Recognizing a significant gap in cybersecurity resources among financial institutions, particularly community banks and credit unions, FinCyberTech was founded with a mission: to safeguard the financial sector against escalating cyber threats without the prohibitive costs typically associated with hiring full-time cybersecurity.
We focus on serving two critical needs for financial institutions: 1) Boards: Boards are responsible for overseeing the development, implementation, and maintenance of the institution’s information security program and for holding senior management accountable. How can the board effectively oversee this requirement without the right cybersecurity expertise? We provide seasoned cybersecurity professionals to assist your board. 2) Management: Management should designate at least one information security officer responsible and accountable for implementing and monitoring the information security program. Many institutions designate an employee or their IT vendor with this responsibility. However, do they possess the necessary cybersecurity skills, experience, and credentials to fulfill their duties? We supply seasoned cybersecurity professionals to fill this gap.
FinCyberTech integrates deep technical expertise with best practices in cyber defense to provide a comprehensive security framework. Our services span from supplying the necessary cybersecurity expertise to financial institution boards to offering year-round cybersecurity officer services to the institution.